Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine for America helps high protein powder production

Our mealworm screening machine is multi-functional, it can classify big and small worms, feces, worm skins, dead worms and so on, which will help this American customer to get high-quality yellow mealworms for protein powder production.
Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine

Happy to share with you that one of our American customers has purchased a Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine for his own use. Our mealworm screening machine is multi-functional, it can classify big and small worms, feces, worm skins, dead worms and so on, which will help this American customer to get high-quality yellow mealworms for protein powder production.

Why buy Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine for the USA?

As an owner of a US company that focuses on selling protein powder, high-quality raw materials are the key to the company’s success. As an edible insect, mealworms have excellent protein content, making them ideal for making high-protein powders. This customer knew this and wanted to ensure that the protein powder produced was not only of high quality but also in line with the trend towards healthy eating through fine screening.

So, to improve the quality of the product, this owner decided to purchase a mealworm separator machine to ensure the quality and purity of the yellow mealworms.

Benefits of Shuliy’s mealworm separator for the American client

  • Ease of operation and high efficiency: The Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine was able to quickly and accurately separate the different stages of the yellow mealworms, ensuring that each batch of raw material was pure, improving the consistency and reliability of protein powder production.
  • Quick mealworm separating: By introducing the mealworm sifter, the American company owner has managed to increase productivity. Not only has the time-consuming task of manual sieving been reduced, but labor costs have also been cut, allowing the company to be more flexible in responding to fluctuations in market demand.
  • Meeting the demand for healthy diets: With the growing concern for healthy eating, high-protein, natural and sustainable food ingredients are becoming particularly important. Yellow mealworms not only meet these trends, but processing them through our Tenebrio Molitor sifter machine ensures that the protein powders supplied by the company meet the highest quality standards.

Machine list for America

Mealworm separating machine
Mealworm Separating Machine
Sieve dung:300kg- 500kg/h
Separate big/small worm:150kg/h   
Select pupae/dead worm:50- 70kg/h
Size(mm) :1690*810*1170
Power: 1.5 kw
1 pc
machine list for America

We have the machine in stock. After the American customer paid for it we immediately packed it in wooden crates and worked with the logistics company to get the goods to his destination quickly, efficiently and safely.

Looking forward to your inquiry!

Want to screen yellow mealworms effectively? Contact us and our specialised managers will provide you with the most suitable solution and the best offer.

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Shuliy Mealworm Machine Official Website

Our company provides professional technology for screening mealworms. People from all walks of life are welcome to visit our company.