Mealworm has high protein content, reaching 50%. Tenebrio Molitor can be used as fresh bait for aquaculture and compound feed for poultry and livestock. Tenebrio Molitor has wide adaptability, short growth cycle, wide feed sources. Tenebrio Molitor farming has the features of low feeding cost and good economic benefits. Since the traditional manual mealworm screening process is complex and labor-intensive, the industrial Tenebrio Molitor separating equipment can be a great help, which is simple and convenient, time-saving, and labor-saving. The mealworm separating equipment can effectively realize the functions of screening feces, dedusting, skin removal, sorting big mealworms, pupae, and dead insects. A mealworm separating machine is an ideal machine for Tenebrio Molitor breeding and feeding management. Besides, how to conduct efficient management in Tenebrio Molitor farming?
Suitable conditions in mealworm feeding room
The feeding room needs light transmission, ventilation, and an appropriate temperature range. The temperature inside the feeding room shall be kept between 10 ℃ and 38 ℃ all the time, otherwise, it will affect the growth of Tenebrio Molitor. The humidity shall be kept between 60% and 70%, Thermometers and hygrometers can be equipped for monitoring. A quicklime water tank is placed outside the feeding room to facilitate the disinfection of personnel in and out. It is strictly prohibited to stack pesticides in the feeding room, and do not place moldy and deteriorated feed.

Tenebrio Molitor feeding management
Before feeding the Tenebrio Molitor larvae, put bran and other feed into the feeding box, basin, and other appliances, and then put into Tenebrio Molitor. Finally, put vegetable leaves on it to let the insects stay between bran and vegetable leaves to eat freely. Replace with new feed every week or so. When the larvae grow to 20mm, they can feed animals. Generally, when the larvae grow to 30mm, the color changes from yellowish-brown to light-brown. And the amount of diet is reduced, which is the later stage of mature larvae and will soon enter the pupation stage.
The primary pupa is silvery-white and gradually turns yellowish-brown. The pupa should be picked out in time for centralized management with an efficient mealworm separating equipment, and the temperature should be adjusted to prevent mildew. After 12-14 days, Tenebrio Molitor eclosion into a moth. Put the emerged moths in containers and feed them to bran and vegetables. After 2 weeks, the body color gradually turns black and brown. At this time, they begin to lay eggs. Sprinkle a thin layer of bran on the paper under the spawning box, and the eggs fall into the bran below from the mesh. The larvae can hatch in about 7-10 days.
The above is the general feeding management methods. Hope it will be helpful for mealworm farmers. If you have any inquiry about mealworm farming and mealworm separating equipment, we would like to hear from you.