The live & dead mealworm sorting machine can separate the live and dead mealworms with high efficiency and screening accuracy. The screening efficiency can reach dozens of times that of traditional manual sieving. The sorting accuracy can reach nearly 100% with proper operation and suitable conditions. During practical operation, the sorting accuracy of live & dead mealworm screening machine can be affected by several factors. It is necessary for users to pay attention to the affecting factors and take effective measures for improving the accuracy.
Factors affecting the sorting accuracy
If a screening rate of live & dead mealworm screening machine is operated with different methods and in different environments, the screening efficiency and accuracy will vary greatly. It is because that the components in the machine that determine the sorting effect need to be adjusted flexibly, that the living mealworms have different performances in different conditions. and that the mealworms groups may differ from one another. Users need to notice these points in order to give full play to the maximum effect of the live & dead mealworm screening machine.

When the temperature is lower than 25 ℃, the crawling ability of Tenebrio Molitor will be greatly reduced, so the live insects will directly fall with dead insects and pupae when the machine is running. Thus, it affects the sorting accuracy.
Measures: try to operate in a suitable environment, like in a greenhouse.
Feeding speed
If the amount of insects released is uneven, too fast, or too slow, the mealworm will crowd together on the conveyor belt. The insects on the conveyor belt have no chance to catch the conveyor belt and then fall directly.
Measures: evenly adjust the feeding amounts and speed of mealworms
Mealworm group quality
The group of Tenebrio Molitor fed by different farmers has different performances. The stronger the group, the more efficient the selection. On the contrary, the selection is worse.
Measures: Adjust the insect chute at the bottom of the upper and lower conveyor belts. The strong group of mealworms in high temperatures has a strong climbing force, so the insect chute should move towards the conveyor belt. On the contrary, move in the opposite direction. Pay attention to make sure that the live & dead mealworm screening machine can allow the dead insects to fall on the insect chute and slip out. At the same time, keep the distance between the upper mouth of the mealworm chute and the conveyor belt at 3-4cm. If it is too small, it will directly scrape off the live insects.