In addition to being processed into nutritious animal feed, mealworm can also be processed into a variety of delicious snacks and dishes. For example, Korea’s mealworm biscuits, Germany’s “Bug Burger”, and Swiss mealworm pie, etc. Why don’t we try this amazing mealworm food. Shuliy mealworm machinery manufacturer will share you some useful guidance here.
Why the mealworm is edible?
Mealworm larvae contain 56.58% crude protein, 28.20% fat, tadpoles contain 57% crude protein, and adult worms contain 64% crude protein. Their content is much higher than conventional animal foods such as eggs, beef, and lamb, and it is easy to digest and absorb. “King of protein” in insects. Mealworm has good taste, unique flavor, and is easily accepted by consumers. It can be baked, fried, and processed into nutritious protein drinks, refined protein powder, and other forms of food.

Mealworm is not only rich in protein, but also contains a full range of amino acids. Tenebrio molitor’s unique multiple nutrients are easy to digest and absorb, which can improve human immunity, anti-fatigue, reduce blood lipids, anti-cancer, and promote metabolism. The SOD extracted from Tenebrio insect screened by the commercial mealworm sorting machine has anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, beauty and beauty effects, and its effect is better than the products on the market.
Sharing for two kinds of delicious mealworm food
- Korean Mealworm Cookies
South Korea recently launched a biscuit with a whole mealworm, which is a bug. Mealworm is also known as breadworm, because its body is bread-like in color and arched, so what is it for such a bug to add to the cookie? How does a heavy-flavored cookie taste?
Mealworm is not an ordinary worm, it has high edible value. The launch of this dessert made with mealworm in Korea is very popular in the local market. Powdery mealworm can be used to make bread, biscuits, noodles, etc., with high nutritional value. Staff at a Korean fast-food restaurant said that the mealworms used to make the cookies were edible mealworms carefully selected from local farms.

2. Swiss Mealworm-stuffed Pie
The Swiss supermarket chain COOP announced to the media on its website that the supermarket chain will start selling meatworm meatballs and meatballs at the end of August.
This patties and meatballs contain at least 31% meatworm meat. Since August 21, sales have started in supermarket chains in Geneva, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, Lugano and Zurich. The number of stores selling insect food will gradually increase. The local Swiss believe that food based on mealworm is rich in nutrients, can save natural resources, and meet the needs of modern diets.