German supermarket launches “mealworm burger”——A new way for making mealworm food

A German startup has produced a "bug burger," which is said to smell seductive, taste more delicious, and be nutritious. Such a mealworm food processing method is indeed very creative, and it can make good use of the rich nutrition of mealworms.
mealworm burger in Germany

How to make a delicious burger? Many people will answer: meat quality is the key. But what if the ingredients of the burger are mealworms? A German startup has produced a “bug burger,” which is said to smell seductive, taste more delicious, and be nutritious. Such a mealworm food processing method is indeed very creative, and it can make good use of the rich nutrition of mealworms.

Where comes the mealworm in Germany?

The mealworm used to make food is usually the larva of the mealworm. The mealworm meat is tender, rich in protein, and has high nutritional value. A large number of mealworm larvae can only be provided through a dedicated mealworm farm, which is no exception in Germany.

Due to the high protein characteristics of mealworm, it is often processed into various food and animal feeds, and has great market potential. As a result, some German farms are investing in the mealworm breeding business.

Mealworm Food In The Fast Food Shop

They produce high-quality mealworm larvae and adults, and use efficient breeding equipment such as a multi-purpose mealworm sorting machine to mass-produce mealworms. They then sell mature mealworms to food processing plants and restaurants, and even dry mealworms and export to foreign countries.

Is the mealworm burger selling good?

This high-protein mealworm is very nutritious and is a larva of buffalo beetle, which is bred in the Netherlands. They sandwiched this kind of mealworm with lettuce, onions, and tomatoes in bread and sold it to customers in various supermarket chains. This worm burger has been successful in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Barry Jozell, co-founder of Bugfoundation, a worm-burger startup, said he and another founder, Max Kramer, spent four years working on the idea. The pair came to this idea after going to Southeast Asia together. Because in Southeast Asia, eating mealworm food is very common.

A passer-by who tried the Worm Burger said it was a good alternative to regular meat. He also said, “I was a little skeptical at first, but then because it was so delicious, I asked for a second one.”

Today, this new type of mealworm food is very popular in Germany, and basically all kinds of supermarket chains and fast food restaurants are trying their own style worm burger.

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